Minecraft forge 1.11 2 ручная установка.

Обновленный Minecraft Forge 1.11 необходим для установки и запуска модов, которые разработчикам еще предстоит портировать на новую версию. Новая игра уже доступна игрокам, а значит остается дождаться обновления любимых модификаций.

Forge превращает установку модов на Майнкрафт любой версии, а в данном случае 1.11 или 1.11.2, в легкий процесс, не требующий особых знаний или умений. Необходимо лишь скопировать файл дополнения в папку mods и запустить игру. Со временем появится огромное количество модификаций на новую игру. От игроков требуется только копировать моды в папку mods, но прежде необходимо скачать Forge на Майнкрафт 1.11.2 или 1.11 и следовать простой инструкции по установке.


Установочные пакеты Forge представлены в нескольких видах. В большинстве случаев лучше выбирать автоматическую установку.

  1. Скачайте установочный пакет Minecraft Forge 1.11.0 или 1.11.2 с расширением exe.
  2. Запустите файл двойным щелчком мыши и следуйте инструкциям на экране.

Универсальный установщик

  1. Скачайте установочный файл Forge *installer.jar.
  2. Запустите файл двойным щелчком мыши или выберите открыть с помощью Java и следуйте инструкциям на экране.

Ручная установка

  1. Скачайте мод Forge * universal.jar.
  2. Найдите папку с Minecraft и файл minecraft.jar.
  3. Поместите содержимое universal.jar в minecraft.jar при помощи архиватора (подойдет WinRAR).

Minecraft Forge это самое лучшее API для разработки и запуска модов. Многие разработчики создают свои модификации, опираясь на этот мод. Для из запуска вам будет необходим Minecraft Forge. Майнкрафт Фордж обрел свою популярность из-за простоты установки и возможности одновременной работы множества модов. Но возможны конфликты если совпадают идентификаторы предметов. Но это можно решить установкой специальными модификациями, которые все сделают за вас или же вручную изменить в конфигурационных файлах. Из-за сложности установки новых версий, все последние версии forge идут с установщиком. Ниже вы найдете все актуальные версии Minecraft Forge, которые можно скачать с официального сайта.

Разработчики настаивают на использовании только «Рекомендуемых версий», но, если у вас возникли сложности или столкнулись с багами, установите самую последнюю версию мода. Некоторые моды могут очень чувствительны к версии Minecraft Forge и при обновлении могут перестать работать или сама игра перестанет запускаться. С этим чаще все сталкиваются при использовании старых модов, которые давно не обновлялись, перед их установкой рекомендуем ознакомиться с описанием и совместимой версии Minecraft Forge.

Все актуальные версии Minecraft Forge на момент публикации можно скачать ниже. Если вы не найдете нужную вас версию форжа, то перейдите по приведенный ниже ссылке на источник, там вы найдете абсолютно все версии этого мода, которые когда-либо выходили.

Начиная с версии 1.11, Майнкрафт Фордж задает единый стандарт энергии для технических модов, чтобы улучшить совместимость их между собой.



Как установить Minecraft Forge?

  1. Скачайте файл
  2. Запустите его при помощи Java
  3. Нажмите «ОК»
  4. Если все прошло успешно появиться сообщение об успешной установке.
  5. Запустите лаунчер
  6. В настройках измените «используемую версию» на версию с «forge» в названии.

Как установить моды?

Показать Скрыть

  1. Скачайте мод (.zip / .jar)
  2. Скопируйте его в C:\Пользователи\ИМЯ_ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods
  3. Запустите игру

MinecraftOre offers Minecraft forge 1.13.2/1.12.2 that will help you to install multiple mods without disturbing the existing forge. It is a modding API which helps in creating mods and also assure compatibility with each other. Download forge mod that provides extra modding capability and best GUI!!

Minecraft Forge API 1.12.2 and 1.13.1 is the greatest tool of minecraft, with (Mod to Boost FPS and Graphics Minecraft), more than just a Mods loading tool, It also helps players who are designing their own mods, ensuring compatibility with Minecraft modding. This causes mods to be installed more efficient than if they were to be made without worrying about compatibility of other mods, and thanks to an updated GUI, Forge Minecraft will let the players know if a mod is installed incorrectly will cause the game beam, before the player start your game and have the experience of such accident, nothing worse than creating a server or a mod pack full of mods for hours, and when you play, you encounter several bugs and crashes, and worse not know why it with and the you will never go for it.

Minecraft Forge API for Minecraft 1.13 Mods

Minecraft forge Modloader is a tool almost mandatory for minecraft modding, soon after installing Forge Api, you do not have mods loads automatically, everything must be done manually, follow the installation tutorials of , generally the mods can be installed by placing their files in the / mods.

Most mods for minecraft requires minecraft forge try to open mods without fulfilling their requirements, is the biggest factor to crash your game, running the risk of damaging their worlds, and its launcher, always try to meet the requirements for not having problems while playing with the mods.

Minecraft Forge API for Minecraft Changelogs

Here are some of the corrections and changes made to forge api in version 1.12 of minecraft, remembering that any problems you should report to the developers of the mod.

  • Make NBSP character display as a space. MC-2595
  • Add easy getter for the Locale: MinecraftForgeClient.getLocale()
  • Patch EntityPlayerSP to use location-aware version of isNormalCube
  • Fix uses of uppercase “Forge” where it fails Loader.isModLoaded(modID)
  • Made WalkNodeProcessor consider burning blocks
  • Fix setting the world in TileEntity.addTileEntity
  • Added Oak door to Ore Dictionary Exclusion list to fix able to craft it with any wood type
  • Fix #3424 ItemCraftedEvent returns air when shift-clicking.
  • Cleanup some null checks and remove deprecated methods in Item and Block.
  • Make all tests one side only, so we can test vanilla clients in dev env.
  • Insert FML packet handler into Vanilla pipelines in case modders send.
  • Fix max CustomPayload size, 1MB not 16MB.
  • Fix ItemStack null check in PlayerInteractionManager.
  • Add an event that allows to modify the looting level based on damage source.
  • Fix mob-spawners crashing for non-living entities and simply the patch in the process .
  • Fix legacy handling for ItemBucket subclasses and non-universal buckets.
  • Fix milk bucket is fillable with water or lava when milk is unregistered.
  • Remove duplicated universal buckets from the creative list .
  • Fix FluidContainerRegistry handling potions as water bottles.

Minecraft Forge Download is a mod with lots of functionalities that will have any minecraft player thrilled. This is because it doesn’t just greatly assist in the loading of mods but rather, it helps players that love to undergo the process of having their very own mods designed in lots of ways. What it helps to accomplish is high degree of compatibility of their mods with the game of minecraft.

Benefits of Minecraft Forge API

If you have ever designed your own mod in the past, you will notice that there is always the problem of such mod being compatible with the other mods in the game. This is what this mod has been designed to correct. Forge API has been built to avoid this problem as it will give you an updated information about the mod you are about to have installed in the game.

It can be really boring and frustrating spending hours to create a particular mod only to discover that there are some compatibility or bug problems. Your mods will be able to load automatically once you have Minecraft Forge API 1.12.2 installed. This means that there will be absolutely no risk of your system crashing. The major reason for most systems crashing is when mods that are being installed are incompatible with the game of minecraft. Forge 1.12 Minecraft will help to prevent this so you don’t have to bother about such anymore.

Minecraft Forge: The tool you can not miss in your Minecraft!

There is no doubt that Forge has been one of the best tools that minecraft as a game has ever experienced. If you are someone who is into the programming and development of various types of mods, then this is one tool that you don’t want to ignore in any way. This is because it ensures that your task of coming up with mods which will work 100% in the game becomes very easy. If you must know, this game’s modding is one of the most complicated out there. This implies that you need a tool that will ensure success in mods that you will be developing. This is perhaps where Forge comes in. This is definitely one tool that you need to download. It works with an API to ensure compatibility.

Through this tool, players will be able to know whether they haven’t installed a mod the way they ought to or not. This has been made possible due to its GUI which is very much up to date. One of the things that you don’t want to experience as a mod developer is when you spend lots of time having to put a mod together with plenty of contents only to eventually discover that it isn’t compatible with the game itself. This can be very frustrating as it can lead to further crashes. The good part is that with API coming into existence all of these issues can be fixed. You only need to get it download it in other to make your mods function 100% in the world of minecraft.

How to install Minecraft Forge API for Minecraft

The installation of in Minecraft is quite simple, however requires attention in steps so you do not have problems in the future, or even headache with crash mods, you will first have to download Minecraft Forge 1.12.x , after downloading you need update your minecraft, open your launcher minecraft and click New Profile or Edit Profile in USE VERSION choice 1.12.x version of Minecraft, now you are ready to install Forge API, the installation is simple just open the forge minecraft, and then click install Client, the installation is very quick you already ready to open your minecraft.

Minecraft Forge 1.12 Installation Screenshots

  1. Download the installer.
  2. Open the installer.
  3. Select “Install client” and click on “OK” button.
  4. Enjoy.

Note: For minecraft to work properly you need Java installed and updated!

Download Minecraft Forge API

“All Mods on this site are posted on third party sites, or were not hosted by us, we keep the original download link created by the creator of mods, follow the download link below. If the version that you want to download is not listed in the download links below. If you were still not able to find the right version for you, please leave us a comment and we will be providing the download link.”

  • For Minecraft 1.13.x: forge-installer.jar
  • For Minecraft 1.12.2 and Previous Versions :