Плех медиа сервер. Как настроить программу Plex Media Server

{{#if (and isSignedIn (not isSigninIn)) }}

Checking your current sign in status...


Account Sign in Create your free account Reset Password

No credit card required. We found a Plex account for Please sign-in using your password to link your account. Please enter the email associated with your account, and we"ll send you instructions for resetting your password.

If you have an account with us, you should receive a password reset email momentarily. Please check your inbox.

{{#if (and (not isSignedIn (not isSigninIn))) }}

Sign in Sign up with Google

Sign in Sign up with Facebook


You"re already signed in, one moment please...

You"ve signed in successfully, one moment please...

Account created, please wait while we redirect you to greatness...

{{#if (and (not isSignedIn (not isSigninIn))) }}

Or create account using email or sign in using email

Email/Username and/or password is missing. Please complete all fields and try again.

Email has already been taken.

Email is invalid.

Sorry, we couldn"t find that combination of username/email and password in our system.

Sorry we are having problems connecting to our servers. Please try again.

Email/Username and/or password is incorrect. Please try again.

Oops, looks like something went wrong, please try again.

You are already signed in.

By creating an account or continuing to use a Plex application, website, or software, you acknowledge and agree that you have accepted the and .


Username/Email is required

Email associated with another account

Validating email...

Email Address is required

Email Address is invalid

Password is required

Password should be at least 8 characters

Privacy Policy

Revised May 23, 2018

Thank you for using Plex! We here at Plex care deeply about your privacy, and we strive to ensure that your personal information always stays safe while we work hard to provide you a service you love and trust. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and transfer your information, and how you can control the use of the information that we collect. This Privacy Policy applies to all our products and services, including Plex client apps, streaming content to the Plex client apps, our premium Plex Pass service, Plex Media Server software, Plex Cloud, and all other Plex software and services (collectively, our “Services”). Depending on your choice of how to use our Services, your personal content may be stored on your personal hardware (“Personal Local Content”) or stored in the cloud (“Personal Cloud Content”, collectively, “Personal Content”). For your Personal Content, except in the limited circumstances described below, we do not collect filenames or content titles of your Personal Local Content. We do, however, keep usage statistics to allow us to better serve you and improve our Services. We may use information about how you use our Services to run and improve our Services, to provide, customize, and personalize communications and other content that we deliver or offer to you. This is discussed in detail below.

Contacting Us

Information We Collect

You may choose to provide us with certain information, such as when you create your user profile or when you use the Services. We may also collect automatically-generated and technical information. Therefore, the information we have (“Collected Information”) may include:

  1. Profile Information . You may provide us with profile information such as your e-mail address, username, a profile image, and password when you create an account, or when you edit your account information. You may also provide us with your payment information when you sign-up for a paid service.
  2. Information from External Services . If you choose to connect your account to an account of an external service, such as a social networking site or cloud storage services, we may collect certain information from those accounts, such as your name and email address as well as data required to connect to that service. You may provide such authorization during the connection process, or it may be implicit in the service authorization itself. For example, if you choose to connect your Plex account to a social networking account, we may collect your public profile information if you agree to the collection of this information during the connection process.
  3. Metadata for Personal Content . Except for certain exceptions such as for Personal Cloud Content, Third-Party Control and Playback Mechanisms, and image analysis (i.e., metadata about photos when these features are user-enabled, such as geotag information or scene recognition analysis), as described below, we do not collect or store metadata (information about the specific file, cover art, subtitles, running length, etc.) for Personal Content stored on your personal Plex Media Server. However, your Plex Media Server may anonymously send us filenames or other identifiers for your Personal Content for the sole purpose of providing metadata back to your personal Plex Media Server. You may disable this metadata matching capability.
  4. Metadata for Personal Cloud Content . Our Plex Cloud service is used by some of our Plex Pass users. If you choose to use Plex Cloud and upload content to third-party cloud services, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc., we may collect and use information in addition to that described above in order to interact with the third-party cloud service and to host our Services on your behalf. This includes knowing and using all the metadata related to what is in your Plex Cloud database, but only to provide you with the Services.
  5. Metadata for Personal Content for Integration with Third-Party Control and Playback Mechanisms . We may offer integrations with Third-Party Control and Playback Mechanisms that you may choose to use, such as Sonos, Amazon Alexa, IFTTT, Zapier, SmartThings, webhooks, etc. In order to provide the integrations with the Third-Party Control and Playback Mechanisms, we may collect Metadata for your Personal Content that is needed to integrate with the Third-Party Control and Playback Mechanisms. For example, if you use Amazon Alexa to play a particular song or movie from among your Personal Content at your home, then our Services may search your Personal Content in order to find and play the song or movie that you requested. Information provided by you to the Third-Party Control or Playback Mechanisms is not governed by this privacy policy.
  6. Usage Statistics for Personal Content . We may collect usage statistics for Personal Content. This includes information about your interaction with the Services, such as device information, duration, bit rate, media formats, resolution, and media type (music, photos, videos, etc.). Where possible, we will generalize this information to avoid identifying your Personal Content. Usage statistics do not include specific content titles or filenames. We may use information related to your usage to run and improve our Services, to provide, customize, and personalize communications and other content that we deliver or offer to you.
  7. Data Related to Third-Party Content . When you use the Services to watch, listen to, or record content from a third-party content provider or source such as any officially supported Third-Party Content that Plex streams to Plex apps, trailers and extras from IVA, the Plex Watch Later or Recommended features, or use of our Live TV and DVR service, we may collect information related to that media interaction. For example, we may collect what program or movie you are watching and when, your interaction with any static or video advertising, etc. We may also collect your device information and device location, for example, by using your IP address or by asking for your zip code. We may use this information to run and improve our Services, provide advertising and marketing to you, as well as share anonymous or aggregated versions of the data with third parties.
  8. Information about integrated Third-Party Services . We may collect information about your use of third-party services for reporting to these partners and calculating the fees that we owe them. For example, we collect (i) the number of trailers and extras viewed to IVA, and (ii) information about premium metadata consumed to Gracenote. We may also collect information about third party services and your use of those services in order to serve video content and advertisements via features that rely on third party providers. This information can include the metadata needed to serve advertising.
  9. Information on our Services . We may store information about your configuration or use of our Services when you create a Plex Media Server on a local device or in the cloud, connect to a Plex Media Server that you or another person has configured, or download or connect to a Plex app, or interact with or use other Plex software or Service. This information may include an IP address and port number(s), the name of a Plex Media Server, and information used to secure access to our Services.
  10. Information about Interfacing Software . “Interfacing Software” includes but is not limited to, plug-ins for the Services, channel plug-ins, metadata agents, and client applications that communicate directly or indirectly with the Services. We may store copies of Interfacing Software that you provide to Plex and that accesses or calls any software provided by Plex as part of the Services.
  11. Debugging and Other Information Voluntarily Provided . You may send us logs, metadata, or other information about your devices, media, and experiences for the purpose of resolving an issue you may have with the software or suggesting desired features. On client applications where it is possible, we will offer the ability to opt-out of sending crash reports. If you would like to learn more about the information being sent in crash reports, we encourage you to review the privacy policies for the third-party client applications you are using to access Plex Services. The information being sent to us will only be used to help resolve your issue and / or improve our Services, and using our Services and provision of such information, you agree to such use by us.
  12. Device Information . Like many online services, we may collect information about the devices that are used to access our Services, such as the IP address of the device, the operating system and version of the device, the browser that you use to access a Plex web page, and the versions of the Plex technologies being used. We may also collect location information about the devices that access our Services.
  13. Application Information . When a request for information or content is sent to a Plex Media Server, we may collect an application identifier that identifies which application sent the request. An application identifier uniquely identifies a particular copy of an application. For example, if you download an application from Plex, fully uninstall the copy of the application, and then re-download the application from Plex, the new copy of the application will be associated with a different application identifier than the uninstalled copy of the application. Note that simply deleting the app without fully uninstalling may not reset the application identifier.
  14. Plex Relay Service . We may provide, and you may choose to use, the Plex Relay Service to connect or stream your Personal Content to another device. If you choose to use the Plex Relay Service, we will transfer the data necessary to perform the service. All such traffic is encrypted from end-to-end in a manner that makes it impossible for Plex or the Plex Relay Service to decrypt or view any data. The data transferred via the Plex Relay Service is not stored by Plex except for the temporary buffering of data required to provide you with an optimal streaming experience. You can disable the Plex Relay Service by turning off Remote Access in your server settings.
  15. Cookies and Other Tracking Technology . Like many online services, Plex uses cookies, tracking pixels, and similar technologies to collect information that helps us provide our Services to you. We also use these technologies to help market our products and services to you and other customers. For more information about these technologies and how you may control them, please see the .
  16. Obtaining Consent . If there is a change to any product or feature that we offer or have offered, and in order to use that product or feature a material change to the collection and / or use of information (including for Personal Content) not contemplated by the Privacy Policy is needed, we will obtain your consent before such collection and / or use.
  17. Your Collected Information . In order to view, amend, erase, or correct your Collected Information, . All requests will be answered within one month of receipt.

Use, Processing, and Sharing of Your Information

  1. Plex processes and uses Collected Information with your consent, you can withdraw your consent by updating your or closing your account. Plex also processes Collected Information when it needs to do so to fulfill a contract with you to provide you services, in its legitimate interest to aid in developing and improving the services, or when required by law. If you do not want to provide certain information to us in order to fulfil our agreement with you to provide the services, we may not be able to provide you the fullest version of our services.
  2. We use the Collected Information to provide you with the Services, improve the Services, enhance your user experience, and communicate with you. For example, for Third-Party Content, we use information about your interactions with the Services to track the watch state of media items that have been linked to the Services on devices that have been linked to the Services. We use this information to allow you to resume watching in the same watch state on different Plex-linked devices.
  3. We use your profile information to contact you about your account or about new Plex functionality and certain Plex news and information. You may opt-out of certain types of communications by editing your account settings.
  4. If you choose to connect your Plex account to a third-party account or service to have us and /or that third party provide a particular feature or service, we will provide that external service with the information needed to have us and / or that third party perform the requested feature or service. For example, if you connect your account to a social networking site and give us permission to publish posts on your behalf, we will do so. Additionally, unless you request or allow us to publish other information, the content of the published posts will be limited to describing your interactions with the Services. As another example, if you choose to have us send (or “scrobble”) your listening history to Last.fm, obtain metadata from a third party service, or use a third-party recommendation service, we use Collected Information to engage with and / or send the Collected Information to that service when you request that service. The shared information may include metadata about the media (such as title, duration, author, cover art, dates associated with the media, and other relevant information) and information about the media itself (such as resolution, bit rate, format, location, etc.).
  5. We use Collected Information related to Personal Content when you provide consent or otherwise request us to do so, as well as when necessary to provide the services you requested.
  6. We use Collected Information related to Third-Party Content to allow us and our partners to personalize marketing, advertising, and other content delivered or offered to you. For example, we may use or share Collected Information related to Third-Party Content that is necessary to serve video content and advertisements, including the source of the content, full information about the content including title, device identifiers, timing and location of your consumption, your user information, your IP address, etc. We also share the metadata needed to serve video or audio advertising.
  7. We also use and share payment information with our payment processor partner in order to process your payment for any services you order.
  8. Plex may share Collected Information as expressly set forth in this Privacy Policy, including the following limited situations:
    1. With third parties that assist us in providing you with our Services, such as payment processors, business and analytics providers, content providers, marketers, and cloud service providers, but we require our third parties to only use your information for the purposes of providing the services requested of them and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
    2. If we believe that the disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) satisfy an applicable law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request; or (b) protect or defend the safety, rights, or property of Plex, the public, or any person.
    3. In connection with a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, dissolution, reorganization, or similar transaction or other proceeding involving Plex that includes or requires the transfer of the information.
    4. If your information is a part of a set of non-private, aggregated, anonymized, or otherwise non-personal information, such as anonymized and / or aggregated usage statistics and viewing trends.
    5. With third parties to improve and deliver advertising to you on our behalf.
    6. If you request or consent to our sharing of Collected Information with a third party.
  9. We may apply automated decision-making to Collected Information to recommend content to you that we think you may be interested in.
  10. We will not share with third parties for their use or sell Collected Information about your Personal Local Content.

Protection of Your Information

  1. In order to help keep your media secure, we partner with DigiCert to provide publicly trusted TLS certificates for end-to-end encrypted connections among all of our servers, Services, and client applications. For more information, please on the topic.
  2. We have put in place commercially reasonable physical, electronic, and organizational procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. For example, password information is stored on our servers and is protected using hashing and encryption technologies.
  3. We do not store any of your payment or credit card information on our servers. The data is encrypted and securely stored by an independent company, Braintree, which provides payment-processing services for Plex. Please review the Braintree Security Policy for more information.

Your Information and Terms of Third-Party Products and Services

  1. Plex may offer and you may choose to use products or services from third parties in connection with our Services that may contain links to or otherwise interface with third-party websites, products, services, or other technologies. Any such third-party technology may collect information from you or use other services or technologies that collect information from you. Any information collection by these third-party technologies is governed by the privacy practices of those third-party technologies. Plex does not control and is not responsible for the collection of information by such third-party technologies.


  1. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If we learn that we have collected the personal information of a child under the age of 13, we will take steps to delete the information as soon as possible.

Privacy Policy Changes

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. We will notify you of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy on the Plex website. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes.

International Transfer

If you use our services outside of the United States, we may transfer information from that jurisdiction to the United States, where data protection regulations may not offer the same level of protection as in other parts of the world, such as the European Union. If you use our services in the European Union we will transfer data to the United States subject to standard contractual clauses.

Controlling Your Information

You may exercise your rights to access, correct, erase, object to processing, and request data portability where applicable in the following ways:

  1. Changing your profile information by accessing the Settings page of the Plex website.
  2. Linking or unlinking your account from another account of an external site, such as a social networking website.
  3. Deleting your account. You may delete your account by selecting the option to delete your account in the Settings page. We will delete your information without unreasonable delay after receiving the request except that we may retain archived copies of your information as required by law.
  4. Contacting Plex support .


Plex retains personal information you provide to create your account for as long as you maintain an account with us. Personal information used to provide the services to you will be kept long enough to provide you with the service, including in archives and logs used to maintain and develop the service. Specifically, we delete data used for logging and error tracking after 90 days, we reset cookies on our website after 14 days. We also delete other personal data used to provide the Plex Solution or to communicate with you within 30 days after your account is deleted. We may retain some usage statistics (including IP addresses) for as long as we have a business purpose in order to improve Plex’s services, but these statistics are no longer linked to the deleted account.

Your Choices, Including Opt-Out Options

You have the following choices regarding how we and third parties use certain information collected from or about you. We are committed to complying with the and the DAA Application of Self-Regulatory Principles for the Mobile Environment .

  1. Opt-Out from Promotional Communications. .
    1. You may opt out of receiving the marketing newsletter from us by accessing your account, selecting Settings on the Plex website, and clicking “unsubscribe” in the Newsletter section. You may also opt out of certain promotional communications by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in a particular promotional communication. Please note that you cannot opt out from receiving all communications from us, including administrative messages, service announcements, and messages regarding the terms and conditions of your account.
    2. You can choose to receive push notifications from Plex on your device. If you do not wish to receive push notifications, you can use your device’s settings to turn them off.
  2. Opt-Out Options Page . Please visit the page to understand the options available to you regarding Third-Party Online Behavioral or Interest-Based Advertising and any specific third-party advertising companies’ opt out information.
  3. Options for Sharing What You Watch . We may ask for your consent to have Plex share your third-party media consumption information together with your personal information with our content programmers, service providers, and other third parties. If we have asked for your consent, we will provide you with a way to view or change your consent preference by updating your account settings.
  4. Opt-Out of Playback Statistics . You may choose to opt-out of sharing the playback statistics for Personal Local Content that you store on your personal Plex Media Server by updating your Privacy Preferences.
  5. Opt-Out for Digital Advertising . Plex may also use third-party advertising companies to serve ads, which may, directly or indirectly, collect or use information about user visits to websites and mobile app usage over time and across non-affiliated websites and mobile apps to display advertisements more tailored to users’ interests on this browser or device, and those browsers or devices associated with it. A user can visit www.aboutads.info/choices and/or download the appropriate version the AppChoices app at http://www.youradchoices.com/appchoices if a user wishes to learn more about this practice or would like to know more about his/her choices regarding that activity by companies participating in those choice tools. Please visit the for any specific third party advertising companies’ opt-out information.
  6. Withdraw Consent . You can withdraw your consent to our processing of personal information by updating your , or closing your account.

Plex and its Affiliates

This privacy policy governs services provided by Plex GmbH, a Swiss company, and its affiliates, including Plex, Inc., a Delaware company (together, “Plex”).

Plex GmbH, Hansmatt 32, 6370 Stans, Nidwalden, Switzerland

Plex Inc, 449 N Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030

Plex’s Data Protection Officer

Plex’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at [email protected] .


You may contact us with questions and comments regarding this policy via our . You can also contact your local data protection authority with any complaints about Plex’s data collection or processing activity.

Terms of Service

Revised November 29, 2018


  1. LICENSE .
    1. 1.1. Plex Solution Overview . For more information regarding the currently available Plex Solution, please click . The Plex Solution is provided pursuant to this TOS to individual persons (and not entities) residing in the countries or regions where Plex makes available its products and services.
    2. 1.2. General Plex Solution Grant . The Plex Solution is made available by Plex, and this TOS provides to you (identified herein as “you ” or a “user ” or with “your ” (as further described below)) a personal (non-commercial), revocable, limited, non-exclusive, nontransferable, and non-sublicensable license to access and use the Plex Solution (by you and your Authorized Users (as defined below)) conditioned on your continued compliance with this TOS. You may print and download Plex materials and information from the Plex Solution solely for your personal use, provided that all hard copies contain all copyright and other applicable notices contained in (or that are required to be displayed with) such materials and information and that you (or your Authorized User(s)) do not further distribute or disclose such materials and information. The content layout, formatting, and features (or functionality) of and online or remote access processes for the Plex Solution shall be as made available by Plex in its sole discretion. You also acknowledge and agree to the following: (i) Plex has the right to control and direct the means, manner, and method by which the Plex Solution is provided; (ii) Plex may, from time to time, engage independent contractors, consultants, or subcontractors to aid Plex in providing the Plex Solution or use thereof; and (iii) Plex has the right to provide the Plex Solution to others.
    3. 1.3. PMS Software Download(s) . Plex may make downloadable software or a mobile application(s) available through or as a part of the Plex Solution for use in connection with your personal media management (“PMS Software ”). The right to use the PMS Software is provided as a part of the grant (above) to use the Plex Solution in accordance with this TOS and subject to the following additional obligations. You may only use the PMS Software on a device or hardware that you own or control and as a part of your use of the Plex Solution or other Plex service. You hereby acknowledge that the PMS Software may include or allow integration with certain third-party executable modules that may be subject to additional license terms and conditions. Please click for more information regarding such modules, but unless otherwise indicated, references to the Plex Solution herein shall include the PMS Software and any integrated third-party executable module(s) that you utilize.
    4. 1.4. Content Available Through the Plex Solution . In connection with the foregoing grant to use the Plex Solution, the Plex Solution allows you to view or otherwise access original Plex or third party Content. “Content” includes, but is not limited to, text, graphics, photos, sounds, audio, and videos in the form of, by way of example and not limitation, news reports, podcasts, videos, and music. The availability of such Content may change and not all Content is available in all formats. Use of the Content is subject to the license grant for the Plex Solution, but in addition, shall remain non-transferable and may be subject to additional license grant terms set by the respective third party licensor(s). Third-party Content displayed or accessible through the Plex Solution is protected by copyright and other intellectual property law and belongs to the respective owner(s) or licensor(s). This TOS does not grant you the right to copy (further), distribute, prepare derivative works, publicly display, or otherwise use any Content. You are expressly prohibited from engaging in or facilitating the unauthorized sharing or distribution of Content.
    5. 1.5. Plex Solution Updates . Plex may, but is not obligated to, update the Plex Solution with updates, upgrades, enhancements, improvements, additions, new or incremental features or functionality of and generally made available through the Plex Solution (as determined by Plex in its sole discretion), or modifications that are provided as part of product support and any other support or maintenance services that Plex provides as part of or otherwise in connection with the Plex Solution (collectively, “Plex Solution Updates ”). In some instances, you may be required to consent to or to agree to use and implement an applicable Plex Solution Update in a timely manner, including, without limitation, as a means to protect the Plex Solution from unauthorized use, content, or data. If you decline a Plex Solution Update, you may not be able to use or access the Plex Solution (in whole or in part), and Plex shall have no responsibility or liability for any continued use. Unless otherwise indicated, references to the Plex Solution include any Plex Solution Updates.
    6. 1.6. Support . This TOS does not entitle you to any support or installation service (collectively, “Support ”). Any such Support that may be made available by Plex, in its sole discretion, shall be subject to separate terms and conditions with Plex.
    7. 1.7. Authorized User(s) . Subject to any third party license restrictions for applicable Content, you may enable members of your immediate family over the age of thirteen (13) and for whom you will be responsible (each, an “Authorized User(s) ”) to access and use the Plex Solution so long as all such use remains in compliance with this TOS. Nevertheless, you acknowledge and agree that you shall be responsible for monitoring your own and your Authorized User(s)’s use of the Plex Solution and for maintaining compliance with this TOS and any third party license restrictions for applicable Content. Any breach of this TOS by an Authorized User(s) shall constitute a breach by you. Unless otherwise indicated, references to “you ” or “your ” throughout this TOS therefore mean you, your Authorized User(s), and the person or entity named on your account with Plex.
  2. LICENSE GRANT RESTRICTIONS . This TOS is only a license and not an assignment or sale. Plex transfers no ownership or intellectual property interest or title in and to the Plex Solution to you or anyone else. Further, Plex reserves all rights not expressly granted by this TOS. Accordingly, you may not modify, translate, decompile, create derivative work(s) of, copy, distribute, disassemble, broadcast, transmit, publish, remove or alter any proprietary notices or labels, license, sublicense (other than to an Authorized User(s)), transfer, sell, mirror, frame, exploit, rent, lease, private label, grant a security interest in, or otherwise use in any manner not expressly permitted herein (or by Plex) the Plex Solution. In particular, and without limitation of the foregoing, there is no right to distribute further the PMS Software to the public or in excess of the limited license (above). Moreover, this TOS does not grant any right to modify the PMS Software or provide a right or license in or to any third-party executable module(s) or accessible content beyond the limited and express grant herein.
  3. INTERFACING SOFTWARE . “Interfacing Software ” means any software that you obtain or provide and that accesses or calls any PMS Software provided by Plex as part of the Plex Solution including, but not limited to, plug-ins for the Plex Solution, channel plug-ins, metadata agents, and client applications that communicate directly or indirectly with the Plex Solution. You are responsible and liable for any Interfacing Software, including any data collection that may be undertaken or occur through the Interfacing Software. Plex encourages the implementation and adherence of data collection and use practices substantially similar to those articulated in the privacy policy of Plex (identified below). By making, or assisting others in making, available any Interfacing Software, you hereby grant Plex a worldwide, non-exclusive, and royalty-free right and license to use (including testing, hosting, and linking to), copy, publicly perform, publicly display (including screenshots), reproduce in copies for distribution, market or promote (as a part of the Plex Solution or other services of Plex), and distribute the copies of any Interfacing Software (or its associated name). In connection therewith, you hereby agree to provide and include (or link to) a privacy notice summarizing practices consistent with the privacy policy of Plex noted below and include in the source code of the Interfacing Software a copyright notice of the form: Copyright © . Any data collection by Plex shall be in a manner consistent with Plex’s privacy policy (noted below). Subject to the inclusion by Plex of this notice (if first provided to Plex by you), you grant, and authorize Plex to grant on your behalf, if necessary, a license, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the Interfacing Software and associated documentation files from Plex, to deal in the Interfacing Software without restriction, including, without limitation, the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Interfacing Software, and to permit persons to whom the Interfacing Software is furnished to do so. You represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to make the foregoing grants, and you further agree that you will use and integrate the Interfacing Software in a manner consistent with acceptable use of the Plex Solution pursuant to this TOS. You may notify us (please click ) if you do not wish for Plex to use the Interfacing Software that was created by and is owned by you. Any such notification must include all requested information and representations (as indicated by Plex). Plex will comply with such a proper request and cease its own use of the Interfacing Software, but Plex must be granted a transition period of at least thirty (30) days after receipt of the request to comply. Plex, however, shall not be obligated to confirm removal or cessation of the Interfacing Software by you or others (including Authorized Users) outside its control.
  4. GENERAL USER OBLIGATIONS . You represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age (or the legal age of majority, whichever is greater) and will, at all times, provide true, accurate, current, and complete information when submitting information or materials on or through the Plex Solution, including, without limitation, when you provide information via a Plex Solution registration, account, or submission form. You are responsible for completing any registration(s) or account requirements for access to applicable third party Content available through the Plex Solution. Individuals under the age of eighteen (18) (or the applicable age of majority) may utilize the Plex Solution only with the involvement and acceptance of (this TOS by) a parent or legal guardian and then solely as an Authorized User under a parent or legal guardian’s account. You further represent that you (or the person agreeing to, accepting, or acting under this TOS) are authorized to act on behalf of the person or entity named on the account with Plex. In addition, you agree to abide by all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations with respect to your use of the Plex Solution. In particular, you may not take any action that will infringe on the intellectual property rights of Plex or any other third party. You acknowledge that unauthorized use of copyrighted content of others may subject you to civil and criminal penalties, including possible monetary damages, for copyright infringement. You also acknowledge and agree that use of the Internet and the Plex Solution is solely at your own risk. You further understand that by using the Plex Solution you may encounter content that you may find offensive, indecent, or objectionable. You assume all responsibility for obtaining and paying for all licenses and costs for third-party software and hardware necessary for access to the Plex Solution, and for maintaining and backing-up your content and data.
  5. USER CONTENT & ACCEPTABLE USE . The Plex Solution enables you to access content, data, communication, and other interactive features and functionality (with such uploaded, downloaded, shared, or exchanged information or content referenced collectively herein as a “User Content ”). Distribution of User Content may be subject to third-party rights. You agree that by using the Plex Solution you will not upload, post, display, or transmit any of the following:
    • anything which defames, harasses, threatens, offends, or in any way violates or infringes on the rights (including, without limitation, patents, copyrights, or trademark rights) of others;
    • anything which may damage, lessen, or harm the goodwill or reputation of Plex and its services;
    • anything which involves the impersonation of any other person or entity;
    • anything which constitutes viral or harmful programming code, files, or software;
    • anything which constitutes junk mail, spam, or unauthorized advertising; or
    • anything which is unlawful.

    Plex reserves the right to establish additional practices, parameters, and limits in its sole discretion concerning the display or availability of any User Content. Further, Plex shall not have any obligation to incorporate or utilize any User Content that does not correspond to or meet Plex’s technical or usage practices, parameters, and limits.

  6. PERMISSION TO USE USER CONTENT . You continue to retain any ownership rights you have in the User Content you make available to Plex and/or the Plex Solution. However, by submitting or making available any type of User Content, you automatically and hereby grant to Plex a royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable and non-exclusive right and license to use or act on any such User Content in furtherance of and in connection with the operation of the Plex Solution. The rights you grant are limited to the purpose of providing and operating the Plex Solution. You specifically acknowledge that the Plex Solution facilitates distribution of the User Content, and as a part of the foregoing grant, you permit any user with whom you share content a non-exclusive license to access and use the User Content through the Plex Solution as permitted through the functionality of the Plex Solution. You represent that you have all necessary rights to make the foregoing grants and to otherwise make User Content(s) available to Plex and for (and through) the Plex Solution.
  7. NO PRE-SCREENING OF USER CONTENT; REMOVAL . Plex is not responsible for pre-screening or editing your or any other user’s User Content, support forum posts, or any other communications and encourages all of its users to use reasonable discretion and caution in evaluating or reviewing any such content or communications. Moreover, Plex does not endorse, oppose, or edit any opinion or information provided by you or another user (unless separately and expressly provided by Plex) and does not make any representation with respect to, nor does it endorse the accuracy, integrity, quality, acceptability, completeness, timeliness, lawfulness, suitability, or reliability of any User Content or communications displayed, uploaded, or distributed by you or any other user. You also acknowledge that Plex has no control over the extent to which any idea, content, or information may be used by any party or person once it’s posted, shared, or displayed. Nevertheless, Plex reserves the right to take any action within its control with respect to User Content (or parts thereof), support forum posts, or any other communications that Plex reasonably believes is necessary to: (i) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request; (ii) enforce this TOS, including investigation of potential violations hereof; (iii) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues; (iv) respond to user support requests; (v) protect the rights, property, or safety of Plex, its users, or the public; or (vi) address any act or omission that Plex believes in good faith violates this TOS and/or is, or is potentially, unlawful or harmful to Plex, its services, or goodwill.
  8. ACCOUNT . You may be required to provide certain personal information necessary to create an account with Plex. You may be required to create login credentials, such as a user name and password, or adhere to other particular access requirements as designated by Plex in its sole discretion from time to time. You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account and agree to keep your login credentials confidential and secure. You acknowledge that Plex may not provide controls that restrict the maturity level of content available through the Plex Solution. If you allow your child (under the age of 18 or the legal age of majority, whichever is greater) to access your Plex account, you are solely responsible for monitoring your child’s use of the Plex Solution and determining what maturity level is appropriate for or accessible to your child. You shall immediately notify Plex if you suspect or become aware of any loss or theft of or unauthorized use of your access credentials.
    1. 9.1. Subscription . Plex currently offers access to the Plex Solution at no cost. However, Plex may make available fee-based subscription offering(s). Please click for more information. The subscription cost, subscription term, available trial period (if any), renewal information, and permitted payment methods will be specified at the time of order. All subscriptions are billed immediately in advance and are final unless otherwise indicated by Plex or as may be required under applicable law. There will be no refunds or credits for partial months, upgrades/downgrades, or nonuse.
    2. 9.2. Subscription Changes & Renewal . Subscription fees are subject to change (with prior notice) and shall apply to the upcoming renewal period (if any) as indicated. Such notice may be provided by email or by posting the changes to your Plex account, the Plex website, or through the Plex Solution. When you enroll in any recurring subscription arrangement, you authorize Plex to automatically charge the billing source you provided Plex at the time you enrolled for the subscription term specified (at the time of enrollment) until the subscription ends or you cancel your enrollment. To avoid being charged for the next renewal period, you must cancel at least one (1) day prior to the end of the then-current Plex subscription term. You may cancel by clicking . For any change (upgrade or downgrade) in your subscription that you make or request, your fee and method of payment will be automatically adjusted and charged (as applicable) at the new rate on your next billing cycle. Downgrading your subscription may cause the loss of content, features, or capacity of your account.
    3. 9.3. Payment . Plex shall charge and you shall be responsible for payment of all taxes, tariffs, levies, or duties (except that Plex does collect VAT in certain countries). Unless otherwise indicated by Plex in writing, all amounts are immediately due and payable upon order (or renewal). Upon placing an order, you therefore agree to pay using the payment method indicated and grant authorization to Plex to charge the applicable (fee) to your payment provider. All transactions, however, are void where prohibited by law and Plex may request particular information in order to confirm the order and method of payment. Plex also reserves the right to terminate or suspend access to the Plex Solution if you fail to pay any amounts when due. Unless otherwise specified herein, all obligations with respect to the amounts due to Plex under the TOS shall survive any expiration or termination of the TOS.
  10. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS . The Plex Solution is owned by Plex GmbH or its licensor(s). Copyright 2016-2018 © Plex GmbH and/or its licensor(s). All rights reserved. All content available through the Plex Solution, unless otherwise indicated, is protected by copyright, trade secret, or other intellectual property laws. PLEX, the Plex logo, and all other names, logos, and icons identifying Plex and its solutions, products, and services are proprietary trademarks of Plex, and any use of such marks without the express written permission of Plex is strictly prohibited. Please see the Plex Trademarks and Guidelines policy statement available for more information regarding the trademarks or service marks of Plex. Other service, product, or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks and/or service marks of their respective owners.
  11. THIRD-PARTY CONTENT . Third-party content displayed or accessible through the Plex Solution is protected by copyright and other intellectual property law and belongs to the respective owner. Use of the third-party content is subject to the terms of use of the third party providing such content. This TOS does not grant you the right to copy, distribute, prepare derivative works, publicly display, or otherwise use any third-party content. You are expressly prohibited from engaging in or facilitating the unauthorized sharing or distribution of third-party content.
  12. CONFIDENTIALITY . You acknowledge and agree that the Plex Solution contains confidential or nonpublic information that is the trade secret(s) of Plex and/or its licensors (the “Confidential Information ”). You agree to secure and protect the confidentiality of the Confidential Information of Plex (and/or its licensors) in a manner consistent with the maintenance of Plex’s rights therein, using at least as great a degree of care as you use to maintain the confidentiality of your own confidential information of a similar nature, but in no event using less than reasonable efforts. You shall not, nor permit any third party to, sell, transfer, publish, disclose, or otherwise make available any portion of the Confidential Information to third parties, except as expressly authorized in this TOS.
  13. FEEDBACK . Plex welcomes your feedback and suggestions about Plex’s products or services or with respect to how to improve the Plex Solution. By transmitting any suggestions, information, material, or other content (collectively, “Feedback ”) to Plex, you represent and warrant that such Feedback does not infringe or violate the intellectual property or proprietary rights of any third party (including, without limitation, patents, copyrights, or trademark rights) and that you have all rights necessary to convey to Plex and enable Plex to use such Feedback. In addition, any Feedback received by Plex will be deemed to include a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, non-exclusive right and license from you for Plex to adopt, publish, reproduce, disseminate, transmit, distribute, copy, use, create derivative works of, and display (in whole or in part) worldwide, or act on such Feedback without additional approval or consideration, in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist therein, and you hereby waive any claim to the contrary.
  14. MOBILE USAGE . The Plex Solution offers a tool(s) or display functionality that is available to you via your mobile phone or other mobile computing device (“Mobile Plex Solution(s) ”). Please note that your mobile carrier’s normal messaging, data, and other rates and fees will apply to your use of the Mobile Plex Solution(s). In addition, downloading, installing, or using certain Mobile Plex Solution(s) may be prohibited or restricted by your mobile carrier, and not all Mobile Plex Solution(s) may work with all carriers or devices or in all locations. Therefore, you are solely responsible for checking with your mobile carrier to determine if the Mobile Plex Solution(s) are available for your mobile devices; what restrictions, if any, may be applicable to your use of the Mobile Plex Solution(s); and how much such use will cost you. Nevertheless, your use of the Plex Solution shall be strictly in accordance with this TOS.
  15. LINKS TO OTHER SITES OR APPLICATIONS . Plex may provide links, in its sole discretion, to other sites or applications on the Internet, including to the Plex Store. Such other sites are maintained by third parties over which Plex exercises no control. These links do not imply an endorsement with respect to any third party or any third-party web site or the information, products, or services provided by any third party. Plex encourages review of the applicable terms, conditions or notices governing use of these third party sites or applications.
  16. THIRD-PARTY PLATFORMS & NETWORKS . Certain features allow you to synchronize your content across third-party platforms and networks. These features will enhance the performance of the Plex Solution and allow you to better integrate and harmonize the Plex Solution with information stored on or used with third-party networks. Using this functionality typically requires you to login to your account on the third-party service, and you do so at your own risk. You should always review, and if necessary, adjust your privacy settings on these networks and platforms before linking or connecting them to the Plex Solution. You expressly acknowledge and agree that Plex is in no way responsible or liable for any such third-party services or features.
  17. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS .Additional notices, terms, and conditions may apply to certain subscription arrangements (including sign-up or registration), Plex products, solutions, or services, receipt of (or access to) certain content, participation in a particular program, and/or to specific portions or features of the Plex Solution. Without limitation of the foregoing, you hereby agree that (a) this TOS operates in addition to any terms of use imposed or required by any digital download platform from which you download the Plex Solution (“App Provider Terms ”); and (b) the terms of this TOS supplement and do not alter or amend any such App Provider Terms.
  18. PRIVACY POLICY . Please see Plex’s for a summary of Plex’s personally identifiable information collection and use practices. Plex is not responsible for your use of Interfacing Software or of and any data collection or related usage practices associated with your operation or maintenance of any Interfacing Software. You further agree that any notices, agreements, disclosures, or other communications that Plex sends you electronically (using the contact information you provide through the Plex Solution) will satisfy any legal communication requirements.
  19. REPRESENTATION(S) . You represent and warrant that (i) the person accepting this TOS has the legal authority to bind the named person on the account, and (ii) he or she has the right, power, and authority to (a) enter into this TOS, (b) make the respective and applicable representations and warranties contained herein, and (c) commit to and perform the respective duties, obligations, and covenants set forth hereunder.
  22. INDEMNIFICATION . You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Plex (and its affiliated companies, contractors, employees, agents, and suppliers and partners) harmless from any and all claims, suits, actions, liabilities, losses, costs, damages, expenses, and any other liabilities, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, arising out of or related in any manner to your breach or alleged breach of this TOS, your Interfacing Software, or for any violation or alleged violation of the rights (including, without limitation, patents, copyrights, or trademark rights) of any other person or entity by your User Content.
  23. ARBITRATION . You agree that all disputes between you and Plex (whether or not such dispute involves a third party) with regard to your relationship with Plex, including, without limitation, disputes related to this TOS, your use of the Plex Solution, and/or rights of privacy and/or publicity, will be resolved by binding, individual arbitration. Without limiting Plex’s right to seek injunctive or other equitable relief (as set forth below), any disputes arising with respect to this TOS between you and Plex (“parties”) shall be referred to an arbitrator affiliated with the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (“JAMS”). The arbitrator shall be selected by joint agreement of the parties. In the event the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator within thirty (30) days of the initiating party providing the other party with written notice that it plans to seek arbitration, the parties shall each select an arbitrator affiliated with JAMS, which arbitrators shall jointly select a third such arbitrator to resolve the dispute. Arbitration shall be conducted under the rules then prevailing of JAMS/ENDISPUTE Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures in effect at the time of filing of the demand for arbitration. The parties specifically incorporate the terms of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1283.05 with respect to discovery. The arbitrator’s award shall be binding and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitration proceeding shall be carried on and heard in Santa Clara County, California using the English language. In any action or proceeding to enforce rights under this TOS, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees from the other party. You may bring claims only on your own behalf. Neither you nor Plex will participate in a class-wide arbitration for any claims covered by this TOS. This dispute resolution provision will be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act.
  24. GOVERNING LAW . The Plex Solution is controlled and operated by Plex from its offices within the United States. This TOS has been made in and will be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California as applied to agreements entered into and completely performed in the State of California. You access and use the Plex Solution on your own volition and are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws with respect to your access and use of the Plex Solution. Additionally, Plex’s headquarters are located in the United States. Please be aware that information you provide to Plex, or that Plex obtains as a result of your use of the Plex Solution, may be processed and transferred to the United States and be subject to United States law. Subject to the foregoing arbitration right, any action to enforce this TOS will be brought in the courts presiding in the Superior Court of Santa Clara County and the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, and all parties to this TOS expressly agree to be subject to the jurisdiction of such courts. You and Plex waive trial by jury. Moreover, you may bring claims only on your own behalf. Neither you nor Plex will participate in a class action or class-wide arbitration for any claims covered by this TOS. You also agree not to participate in claims brought in a private attorney general or representative capacity, or consolidated claims involving another person’s account, if Plex is a party to the proceeding.
  25. COMMUNICATIONS AND NOTICE . Any communication(s) or notice (and any related materials or information) to be sent pursuant to this TOS shall be in the English language and shall be deemed provided: (a) upon receipt if by personal delivery; (b) upon receipt if sent by certified or registered U.S. Mail (return receipt requested); (c) one day after it is sent if by next-day delivery by a major commercial delivery service; or (d) with respect to termination of this TOS or for information applicable generally to end users of the Plex Solution, to the email address designated by you.
  26. EXPORT CONTROL AND LEGAL COMPLIANCE . You represent and warrant that you are not (a) located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” country; and (b) listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties. You hereby agree that (i) you will comply with all applicable Sanctions and Export Control Laws, (ii) you are solely responsible for ensuring that the Plex Solution is used, disclosed, and/or transported only in accordance with all applicable Sanctions and Export Control Laws, and (iii) you will not re-export or transfer the Plex Solution, in any form, directly or indirectly, to any person or entity based in Cuba, Iran, Syria, Sudan, South Sudan, or North Korea.
  27. ENFORCING SECURITY . You may not use the Plex Solution or any of Plex’s data, systems, network, or services to engage in, foster, or promote illegal, abusive, or irresponsible behavior, including, without limitation, accessing or using Plex data, systems, or networks in an unauthorized manner, attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of a Plex system or network, circumventing any Plex security or authentication measures, monitoring Plex data or traffic, interfering with any Plex services, collecting or using from the Plex Solution email addresses, screen names, or other identifiers, collecting or using from the Plex Solution information without the consent of the owner or licensor, using any false, misleading, or deceptive TCP-IP packet header information, using the Plex Solution to distribute software or tools that gather information, distributing advertisements, or engaging in conduct that it likely to result in retaliation against Plex or its data, systems, or network. Actual or attempted unauthorized use of the Plex Solution may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution, including, without limitation, punishment under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 under U.S. federal law. Plex reserves the right to view, monitor, and record activity through the Plex Solution without notice or permission from you. Any information obtained by monitoring, reviewing, or recording is subject to review by law enforcement organizations in connection with investigation or prosecution of possible criminal or unlawful activity through the Plex Solution as well as to disclosures required by or under applicable law or related government agency actions. Plex will also comply with all court orders or subpoenas involving requests for such information. In addition to the foregoing, Plex reserves the right to, at any time and without notice, modify, update, suspend, terminate, or interrupt operation of or access to the Plex Solution, or any portion of the Plex Solution in order to protect the Plex Solution or Plex.
  28. INJUNCTIVE RELIEF . You acknowledge that any breach, threatened or actual, of this TOS, including, without limitation, with respect to unauthorized use of Plex proprietary assets, will cause irreparable injury to Plex, such injury would not be quantifiable in monetary damages, and Plex would not have an adequate remedy at law. You therefore agree that Plex shall be entitled, in addition to other available remedies, to seek and be awarded an injunction or other appropriate equitable relief from a court of competent jurisdiction restraining any breach, threatened or actual, of your obligations under any provision of this TOS. Accordingly, you hereby waive any requirement that Plex post any bond or other security in the event any injunctive or equitable relief is sought by or awarded to Plex to enforce any provision of this TOS.
  29. TERM AND TERMINATION . This TOS will take effect (or re-take effect) at the (and each) time you begin installing, accessing, or using the Plex Solution, WHICHEVER IS EARLIEST, and is effective until terminated as set forth below. Plex reserves the right to terminate this TOS at any time on reasonable grounds, which shall specifically include, without limitation, discontinuation of the Plex Solution (or related services) as an offering of the Plex business, nonpayment, termination of account, fraudulent or unlawful activity, or actions or omissions that violate this TOS, subject to the survival rights of certain provisions identified below. In addition, Plex shall have the right to take appropriate administrative and/or legal action in the event of breach or (alleged) criminal activity, including alerting legal authorities, as it deems necessary in its sole discretion. You may also terminate this TOS at any time by providing Plex with notice of cancellation, but all applicable provisions of this TOS will survive termination, as identified below. You may close your account by clicking . Upon termination and in accordance with law, your right to access and use the Plex Solution shall cease (regardless of the subscription period) and you must immediately destroy all copies of any aspect of the Plex Solution in your possession. Termination shall result in deactivation or deletion of your account with Plex. The provisions concerning Content, License Grant Restrictions, Proprietary Rights, Permission to Use User Content, Proprietary Rights, Feedback, Confidentiality, Additional Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer of Warranty, Limitation of Liability, Indemnification (for a period of one year after termination), Arbitration, Governing Law, Enforcing Security, Injunctive Relief, Term and Termination, Waiver & Severability, and Entire Agreement will survive the termination of this TOS for any reason. Further, Plex shall not be responsible for any damage that may result or arise out of termination of this TOS.
  30. WAIVER & SEVERABILITY . Failure to insist on strict performance of any of the terms and conditions of this TOS will not operate as a waiver of any subsequent default or failure of performance. No waiver by Plex of any right under this TOS will be deemed to be either a waiver of any other right or provision or a waiver of that same right or provision at any other time. If any part of this TOS is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law including, but not limited to, the warranty disclaimers, venue, claim, and liability limitations set forth above, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable, provision that most clearly matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of this TOS shall continue in effect.
  31. ENTIRE AGREEMENT . No joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between you and Plex as a result of this TOS or your utilization of the Plex Solution, and you do not have any authority of any kind to bind Plex in any respect whatsoever. This TOS represents the entire agreement between you and Plex with respect to your individual use of the Plex Solution. This TOS is not assignable, transferable, or sub-licensable by you except with Plex’s prior written consent. Plex may transfer, assign, or delegate this TOS and its rights and obligations without consent. Please note that Plex reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this TOS and the terms and conditions under which the Plex Solution and its offerings are extended to you by posting online a revised TOS or mailing and/or e-mailing notice thereof to you. In addition, Plex may add, modify, or delete any aspect, program, functionality, or feature of the Plex Solution. Your continued use of the Plex Solution following any addition, modification, or deletion will be conclusively deemed acceptance of any change to the terms and conditions of this TOS. Accordingly, please review this TOS found at this location on a periodic basis.
  32. CONTACT INFORMATION . If you have questions regarding the Plex Solution or if you are interested in obtaining more information concerning Plex or its products, services, or solutions, please .

Оказывается, многие пользователи, которые впервые знакомятся с принципами работы с DLNA, почти не представляют себе, как осуществляется использование Plex Media Server. Это универсальная программа, которая способна не только воспроизводить медиафайлы большинства известных форматов, но и также воспроизводить онлайн-трансляции при использовании подключения любого типа.

Рассмотрим все связанные с этим вопросы. В частности, мы выясним, как можно пользоваться Plex Media Server после установки и предварительной настройки. Необходимо сразу отметить, что в данном вопросе настройка сервера имеет очень важное значение, поэтому необходимо отнестись к нему с большой ответственностью.

Для начала мы определимся, что представляет собой программный пакет Plex Media Server. О том, как пользоваться этим программным обеспечением, речь пойдет немного позже. Пока уделим внимание возможностям данного ПО. Прежде всего Plex Media Server, как и любой другой DLNA клиент, дает возможность осуществлять трансляцию видео, графического материала и аудио со стационарного компьютера или ноутбука на телевизионную приставку с разрешением, которое превышает стандартные параметры обозначенных выше устройств. Также у программы есть некоторые неоспоримые преимущества. Они заключаются в том, что вне зависимости от исходного материала, программа подтягивает данные о воспроизводимых фильмов или аудио-альбомах в Интернете. Это аналогично тому, как работают стандартные теги ID3. Однако, если изначально информация прописывается, то она здесь действительно будет загружена из Интернета. При этом помимо описания будет добавлено еще много интересных фактов.

Однако сейчас речь идет не об этом. Такой виртуально-физический сервер также может служить определенной платформой для подключения сразу нескольких пользователей или устройств для просмотра расширенного контента. Иначе говоря, настройка в Plex Media Server иногда может сводится к добавлению новых пользователей, которые имеют к нему доступ. Также здесь можно создавать общие папки для одновременного просмотра. В данном случае в действие вступают технологии P2P, которые организованы по принципу пиринговых сетей. Это значит, что с одного терминала, на котором имеется файл в полном виде, осуществляется раздача на загрузку на зарегистрированные в сети компьютеры. Они способны обмениваться между собой информацией в случае задания соответствующих настроек.

Plex Media Server: установка клиента

Однако это все пока была теория. Переходим непосредственно к практике. Прежде всего, нам необходимо скачать пакет Plex Media Server и установить его на компьютер. Как правило, процесс установки программы не вызывает особых нареканий. Здесь главная проблема заключается в том, что при установленных ОС Windows 7 и выше задать запуск файла установки от имени Администратора. Дальше все довольно просто. Необходимо следовать указаниям мастера установки. Здесь все как обычно, нужно выбрать место установки и так далее. Теперь наступает самый интересный момент.

Начальные действия по регистрации

Можно, конечно установить данный пакет без особых сложностей, но при этом они скорее всего будут возникать в дальнейшем. Поэтому лучше сразу выполнить регистрацию на официальном сайте программы. Это можно посоветовать делать всем пользователям, которые собираются в дальнейшем подключаться к такому серверу. Сделать это без регистрации будет сложно. Переходим на официальный ресурс plex.tv, создаем аккаунт и следуем дальнейшим указаниям. В этом нет ничего сложного, вся процедура выглядит как обычная рутина. Чем дальше, тем интереснее. Обязательным условием является то, чтобы родной брэндмауэр операционной системы Windows не блокировал программу. Для этого необходимо создать в настройках режима повышенной безопасности новое правило и внести в него порт 32400. Также в некоторых случаях может потребоваться проброс данного порта на маршрутизаторе.

Plex Media Server: первый запуск

После того как программа будет установлена, можно будет запустить ее. Однако какого же будет разочарование пользователя, когда после вызова приложения двойным кликом ничего не произойдет. Что же случилось? На самом деле, ничего страшного не произошло. Проблема в том, что приложение после окончания установки интегрирует свой процесс в работу фоновых служб. Для вызова программы необходимо использовать значок в системном трее. В операционных системах типа Windows 10 или 8 он может быть скрыт. Чтобы он отобразился необходимо кликнуть на стрелочке вверх.

Plex Media Server: изменение параметров

Итак, перед глазами у вас основное окно программы Plex Media Server. Сейчас мы узнаем, как изменить настройки по умолчанию. Для начала разберемся, что у нас есть на экране. Первое, что удивляет многих непосвященных пользователей, это то, что приложение открывается в окне браузера. Это может вызвать определенное недоумение. Но не стоит паниковать раньше времени. Посмотрите на настройки программы: в качестве основного языка выбран русский, субтитры тоже русские, видеопоток автоматический. В принципе кажется, что изначально менять ничего и не нужно. Позже мы рассмотрим более тонкую настройку.

Plex Media Server: как использовать

Поговорим немного о панелях. Например, на модификациях Samsung, которые поддерживают данную технологию, нужно сначала нажать на красную кнопку пульта, а после этого создать нового пользователя develop с произвольным паролем. После этого необходимо при нажатии синей кнопки на пульте ввести IP сервера, а потом прописать После этого необходимо снова нажать на синюю клавишу и перейти в раздел синхронизации. Теперь осуществляется выключение и повторное включение панели. Переходим снова в SmartHub – здесь должен появиться виджет Plex. Если его не будет, необходимо еще раз проделать процедуру. Если он найдет сеть, все хорошо. После этого можно будет установить некоторые дополнительные плагины, которые позволят сделать работу с сервером проще.

Plex Media Server: как пользоваться IMAC и Chromecast?

Что же касается Chromecast, то данная технология в основном ничем особо не отличается. Она в большей степени рассчитана на мобильные устройства, которые должны быть синхронизированы с панелями высокого разрешения. Это в частности касается и продукции Samsung. Нет смысла подробно описывать подключение, так как все тонкости можно узнать из прилагаемой инструкции любого устройства.

Как использовать Plex Media Server на IMAC?

Особенности подключения к яблочным компьютерам сводятся к тому, что в качестве операционной системы используется Mac OS X, а не Windows. В остальном же все действия аналогичны описанным выше процедурам.

Недостатки и преимущества

Основная проблема, которая, кстати говоря, является и основным преимуществом, заключается в том, что пользователь, незарегистрированный на официальном ресурсе, не сможет воспользоваться услугами подключения к серверу даже в том случае, если у него есть официальная версия установленного контента Plex Media Server.

Как использовать?

Чтобы использовать Plex Media Server, достаточно будет произвести регистрацию и получить права доступа от создателя. Вот и все.


На самом деле вопрос об использовании программы Plex Media Server не ограничивается приведенными выше рекомендациями. Это только некоторые общие советы. При входе в приложение можно обнаружить, что в нем имеется множество разнообразных настроек, которые можно менять в зависимости от собственных предпочтений. Так, например, вы можете добавить в папку сериалы или создать только музыкальную коллекцию. Даже при использовании программы с настройками по умолчанию, при добавлении папок и файлов в определенные разделы с учетом подтягивания информации из Интернета можно будет добиться автоматической систематизации и каталогизации всего мультимедиа контента вне зависимости от того, находится ли необходимый контент в Интернете или на компьютере. Мобильные устройства в данном обзоре не рассматривались по той простой причине, что устанавливаемый клиент может подключаться к телевизорам Smart TV или приставкам, выпущенным после 2013 года, автоматически.

Как оказывается, многие юзеры, впервые знакомящиеся с принципами работы DLNA, практически не представляют себе, как производится использование Plex Media Server - универсальной программы, способной не только воспроизводить медиафайлы с большинства известных сегодня устройств, но и осуществлять онлайн-трансляции с использованием любого типа подключения. Рассмотрим все вопросы, с этим связанные, например, тему «Plex Media Server: как пользоваться после установки и предварительной настройки». Надо сразу отметить, что настройка сервера здесь занимает главенствующее положение, так что к этому нужно отнестись с пониманием.

Plex Media Server: предварительное знакомство

Для начала давайте определимся, что же на самом деле представляет собой программный пакет Plex Media Server. Как пользоваться им, будет сказано чуточку позже, а пока остановимся на самых главных его возможностях.

Во-первых, как и любой другой клиент DLNA, он позволяет производить трансляцию видео, аудио или графического материала с ноутбука или стационарного компьютерного терминала непосредственно на телевизионную приставку с разрешением, превышающим стандартные параметры вышеозначенных устройств.

Кроме того, у программы есть неоспоримые преимущества, состоящие в том, что, вне зависимости от исходного сигнала, она как бы подтягивает данные о воспроизводимых фильмах или аудио-альбомах из Интернета. Это сродни тому, как работают стандартные ID3-теги. Но, если в них информация прописывается изначально, то здесь она действительно грузится из Всемирной паутины, добавляя, кроме описания, еще множество интересных фактов. Но сейчас не об этом.

Вдобавок ко всему такой может служить даже некой платформой для подключения к нему других устройств или пользователей для просмотра «расшаренного» контента. Иными словами, в программе Plex настройка иногда может сводиться к тому, чтобы добавить новых пользователей, имеющих к нему доступ, или создать общие папки для одновременного просмотра. Но тут в действие вступают технологии P2P по типу когда с одного терминала, имеющего файл в полном (целостном) виде производится раздача на загрузку на зарегистрированные в сети (в данном случае на сервере) другие компьютеры. Они же иногда способны обмениваться информацией и между собой (при условии задания соответствующих настроек).

Установка клиента Plex Media Server

Но это все пока была теория. Переходим к практике. Сначала нам нужно скачать и установить пакет Plex Media Server. Настройка инсталляции, как правило, особых нареканий не вызывает. Тут самое главное состоит в том, чтобы при установленных системах Windows 7 и выше задать запуск исполняемого файла инсталляции (Setup.exe) от имени Администратора.

Начальные действия по регистрации, чтобы потом не было проблем

Конечно, установить пакет можно, в общем-то, без особых трудностей (они, к сожалению, возникнут намного позже). Так что лучше сразу произвести регистрацию на официальном сайте программы и посоветовать сделать это всем пользователям, которые в будущем собираются подключаться к такому серверу (без регистрации сделать это будет просто невозможно).

Итак, заходим на официальный ресурс plex.tv, создаем аккаунт и следуем указаниям. Собственно, ничего сложного, процедура выглядит, как обычная рутина. Дальше - интереснее.

Обязательное условие состоит в том, чтобы «родной» файрволл (брэндмауэр) Windows не блокировал программу. Для этого нужно создать новое правило в настройках режима повышенной безопасности и внести туда порт 32400. В некоторых случаях может потребоваться проброс этого порта на маршрутизаторе.

Первый запуск приложения Plex Media Server

Программа вроде бы установлена, а теперь ее нужно запустить. Каково же разочарование пользователя, когда при вызове приложения двойным кликом на ярлыке ничего не происходит! Что случилось?

Да ничего страшного! Дело в том, что по окончании установки приложение интегрирует свой процесс в работу фоновых служб и активируется. Использование Plex Media Server уже началось! Для вызова (разворачивания) программы нужно использовать значок в системном трее (в системах вроде Windows 8 или 10 он может быть скрыт. Для его отображения используется клик на стрелочке вверх).

Plex Media Server: стоит ли менять параметры по умолчанию?

Итак, перед нами основное окно программы. Как пользоваться настройками, мы сейчас и узнаем. Для начала посмотрим, что у нас на экране. Первое, что удивляет практически всех непосвященных юзеров, так это только то, что само приложение открывается, как ни странно, в окне браузера! У многих это вызывает шок.

Подождите, не нужно паниковать. Смотрим на настройки: основной язык русский, субтитры русские, видеопоток автоматический и т. д. В принципе, и менять изначально тут ничего не нужно. Более тонкая настройка будет рассмотрена несколько позже.

Plex Media Server как пользоваться (LG, Samsung и другие модели Smart-панелей)?

Для использования программы в совмещении с телевизионными панелями сначала нужно создать библиотеку на искомом терминале. Выбираем, например, тип данных «Фильмы», жмем кнопку продолжения, после чего задаем поиск папок в указанном в поиске разделе.

Теперь о панелях. К примеру, на Samsung-модификациях, поддерживающих данную технологию, сначала нужно нажать красную кнопку пульта, а затем создать нового юзера develop с произвольным паролем. Далее вводим IP сервера при нажатии синей кнопки на пульте, а затем прописываем Снова нажимаем синюю клавишу и переходим в раздел синхронизации.

Теперь делаем выключение и повторное включение панели и снова входим в SmartHub - тут должен появиться виджет Plex. Если его нет, нужно проделать процедуру еще раз. Если он сеть, можно радоваться. После этого можно будет установить некоторые дополнительные плагины, которые помогут сделать работу с сервером проще.

Plex Media Server: как пользоваться Chromecast и IMAC?

Что касается Chromecast, технология в основном ничем особо не отличается. Однако она больше рассчитана на мобильные девайсы, которые должны быть синхронизированы с панелями высокого разрешения. В частности, это касается продукции Samsung. Описывать подключение подробно смысла нет, поскольку все тонкости можно прочитать в прилагаемой инструкции любого устройства.

Как пользоваться Plex Media Server на IMAC? Собственно, и подключение к «яблочным» компьютерам, вернее, с них к другим устройствам, сводится только к тому, что в качестве операционной системы используется не Windows, а Mac OS X.

Все же действия аналогичны всему тому, что было описано выше.

Преимущества и недостатки

Самая главная проблема, она же, кстати, и большое преимущество, состоит в том, что незарегистрированный на официальном ресурсе юзер воспользоваться услугами подключения к серверу не сможет, даже если у него есть официальная версия установленного клиента Plex Media Server.

Как пользоваться? Да просто произвести регистрацию и получить права доступа от его создателя. Только и всего.


Конечно, сам вопрос по теме «Plex Media Server: как пользоваться программой?» только приведенными рекомендациями не ограничивается. Это, скорее, некие общие советы. При входе в само приложение имеется множество настроек, которые можно поменять, в зависимости от собственных предпочтений (например, добавить сериалы в одноименную папку или создать исключительно музыкальную коллекцию). При всем этом даже при использовании начальных настроек по умолчанию, при добавлении файлов или папок в определенные разделы с учетом подтягивания информации из Интернета, можно добиться даже автоматической систематизации или, если хотите, каталогизации всего того что относится к разряду мультимедиа, без разницы, хранится эта информация на компьютере или находится в Интернете. Не рассматривались мобильные устройства по той простой причине, что устанавливаемый клиент может непосредственно подключаться к телевизорам Smart TV или приставкам выпуска 2013 года и позже автоматически.

Вы должны скачать Plex Media Server для Windows 10 в том случае, если вы хотите настроить из своего ПК, ноутбука или планшета настоящий медиа сервер. Это приложение позволит вам получить удаленный доступ к различным мультимедийным данным.

Скачать Plex Media Server – превратить ПК в медиа сервер

Инструмент Plex Media Server относится к развлекательным программам, так как позволяет превратить ваш обычный ПК в мультимедийный центр. Особенно это оценят те, у кого дома много устройств, и они уже устали переносить с каждого девайса информацию на другое устройство. При помощи этой утилиты вы сможете наладить работу всех устройств. Работа этого ПО характеризуется следующим:
  • Стабильная работа;
  • Возможность работы как с Интернетом, так и без;
  • Утилита на русском языке;
Программа нуждается в ваших собственных мультимедийных файлах. У нее нет доступа к чужой библиотеке, и уж тем более к публичным данным. Поэтому, вам понадобится не только программа Plex Media Server на русском, но и какой-то загрузчик. Можно загружать файлы даже через браузер .

Вы можете использовать утилиту даже как базовый проигрыватель. Она идеально подойдет для всех задач, начиная от просмотра фото и картинок, и заканчивая составлением библиотеки файлов, например, фильмов или музыки. И не важно, 32-ух или 64-ех битная у вас ОС, эта утилита работает сразу на всех версиях Виндоус.

Plex Media Server — это популярный потоковый медиа-сервер. После установки Plex приступаем к настройке.
Указываем расположение к вашему медиа-контенту и подключаем плагины TV-каналов.
Настройка Plex является одинаковой на всех платформах, поэтому данное руководство применимо к Windows, и OSX, Debian и Ubuntu Linux и т.д.

Настройка Plex Media Server

После того, как вы установили Plex Media Server, для настройки заходим в браузер по ссылке http://localhost:32400/manage/index.html или http://IP-адрес:32400/web/index.html#. Автоматически будет перенаправление на следующий экран:

Принимаем условия лицензионного соглашения:

Тут можно задать название вашего медиа сервера, которое Вам нравиться.

Можно пропустить и перейти на следующий шаг, а библиотеки с медиа данными добавить позже, как Вам удобнее. Мне потом удобнее добавить библиотеки.

Тут Вам решать, отправлять анонимную статистику или нет.

Добавим библиотеки с данными

Выбираем добавить библиотеку

Выбираем тип библиотеки, указываем название библиотеки, выбираем язык.

Следующий шаг. Добавляем путь, к вашим видео файлам.

После того, как вы добавили библиотеку, она будет проанализирована Plex, автоматически добавятся подкасты и превью. Процесс добавления новой библиотеки иногда может занимать не одну минуту, все зависит от количества данных.

Добавляйте новые библиотеки с фото, домашним видео, мультиками, сериалами.

Можно добавить каналы IP TV

Ваш медиа сервер готов к использованию.

Настраиваем удаленный доступ к вашему Plex Media Server.

Теперь у вас есть возможность просматривать ваши медиа данные, как на локальном компьютере, так и в локальной сети. Единственное, что потребуется для просмотра, на любом устройстве с браузером и флэш плеером задать сроку в браузере http://ip-address:32400/web

Plex Media Server дает возможность просматривать свои видео и фото не только в локальной сети, но и удаленно, делиться своими фото и видео с друзьями. Для этого надо зарегистрироваться на сайте plex.tv или прямо из вашего Plex Media Server

После регистрации и ввода своей учетной записи, вы можете получить доступ к своим медиа данным, находясь в любой точке земли, где есть интернет.