Средства массовой информации топик по английскому. Средства массовой информации (Mass Media) топик по английскому языку

Mass media

It is difficult to imagine our life without mass media. It is the part of the modern world: newspapers, radio, television and the Internet. Just imagine, almost every minute you face this or that kind of mass media.

Of course, nowadays most people prefer the Internet as a kind of mass media. You can find interesting news, know about special events or sales, invite many people to your party or arrange a meeting. The most important thing about the Internet is that you can do it in a matter of seconds.

Newspapers are still very popular kind of mass media. I would say the press is a very powerful kind. It is difficult to explain but people trust the press. Old people like reading newspapers. For example, my grandparents buy many newspapers every week. Young people prefer magazines because magazines are bright and contain the information which is more interesting for youth.

Radio is the favourite kind of mass media of many people. Listening to the radio, one can do a lot of things, for example, drive a car or clean the room. You can know useful information, listen to interviews or news. I like listening to the radio.

Television plays an important role in our life. There are a great variety of channels. We watch news, sport competitions, films, talk shows, for example. Everyone can find what he or she wants to watch most of all.

Mass media is an important part of the modern life. However I think that sometimes we need get away from mass media just to relax or spend time with family or friends.


Средства массовой информации

Трудно представить нашу жизнь без средств массовой информации. Они являются частью современного мира: газеты, радио, телевидение и Интернет. Только представьте себе, почти каждую минуту вы сталкиваетесь с тем или иным видом средств массовой информации.

Конечно, в наши дни большинство людей предпочитают Интернет как средство массовой информации. Можно найти интересные новости, узнать о специальных событиях или распродажах, пригласить многих людей на свою вечеринку или организовать встречу. Самое главное – это то, что можно сделать все это в считанные секунды.

Газеты все еще остаются очень популярным вид средств массовой информации. Я бы сказала, что пресса является очень влиятельным видом. Трудно объяснить, но люди доверяют прессе. Пожилые люди любят читать газеты. Например, мои бабушка и дедушка каждую неделю покупают много газет. Молодые люди предпочитают журналы, потому что журналы яркие и содержат информацию, которая является более интересной для молодежи.

Радио – любимое средство массовой информации многих людей. Слушая радио, можно выполнять много различных дел, например, вести машину или убирать комнату. Можно узнать полезную информацию, послушать интервью или новости. Я люблю слушать радио.

We live in the era of high technologies, and we use modern inventions in our everyday life because they have brought us much comfort. New technologies have spread on every field over the past 15 years. Moreover, they are rapidly changing. For example, video-recorders, DVD-players or compact disks have already become obsolete and have been replaced by more up-to-date devices. Today we can hardly imagine our life without such modern mobile devices as cell phones or laptops. Our offices are fully equipped with computers, printers, scanners, air-conditioners, interactive whiteboards and wi-fi modems. Household appliances (vacuum-cleaners, coffee-machines, dish-washers, food processors and others) help us to save our time and energy.

However, we should realize that digital and electronic inventions have both negative and positive impact on our daily life.

I am absolutely positive that new technologies or gadgets are making things faster, easier, more comfortable and interesting. For instance, if you install a GPS (Global Positioning System) in your car you’ll never get lost again. And could we imagine just 15 years ago all the things we can do on the wireless Internet nowadays: connecting with friends from all over the world, online shopping and banking, distance online learning, finding virtual relationships and even working from home? Isn’t that awesome?! Our parents used to go to post-offices to send letters or pay bills, they went to libraries to find a good book and they used telephone-booths for phone-calls.

On the other hand, I know some people who are strongly against some modern inventions because they really miss those days when they talked to each other face to face in reality, and not virtually. I partially agree with that as I really believe that people are becoming anti-social and too dependent on their gadgets. Some of my friends also spend half of the time occupying their shiny gadgets (smart-phones or i-pads) even when we go out together. Besides, people who use various social networks a lot (such as Facebook or Instagram) should worry more about their privacy.

Summing up, I could say that there are serious arguments both for and against the use of new technologies but anyway it’s really difficult to imagine our life without them today.

Новые технологии в нашей жизни

Мы живем в эпоху высоких технологий и пользуемся современными изобретениями в повседневной жизни, поскольку они принесли нам много комфорта. Новые технологии распространились в каждой области за последние 15 лет. Более того, они стремительно меняются. Например, видеомагнитофоны, DVD-плееры или компакт-диски стали уже устаревшими, и им на смену пришли более современные устройства. Сегодня мы с трудом можем представить нашу жизнь без таких современных мобильных приборов, как сотовые телефоны или ноутбуки. Наши офисы полностью оборудованы компьютерами, принтерами, сканерами, кондиционерами, интерактивными досками и wi-fi модемами. Бытовые приборы (пылесосы, кофе-машины, посудомоечные машины, кухонные комбайны и другие) помогают нам экономить время и энергию.

Однако, нам следует понимать, что цифровые и электронные изобретения имеют как отрицательное, так и положительное влияние на нашу повседневную жизнь.

Я полностью согласен с тем, что новые технологии или гаджеты делают многие вещи быстрее, легче, удобнее и интереснее. К примеру, если вы устанавливаете в своем автомобиле GPS (Глобальную Навигационную Систему), вы больше никогда не заблудитесь. А могли ли мы представить всего лишь 15 лет назад все то, что можем делать сегодня по беспроводному интернету: связь с друзьями по всему миру, онлайн покупки и банковские операции, дистанционное онлайн обучение, поиск виртуальных знакомств и даже работу из дома? Разве это не здорово?! Наши родители раньше отправлялись в почтовое отделение для того, чтобы отсылать письма или оплачивать счета, они ходили в библиотеки для того, чтобы найти хорошую книгу и пользовались телефонными будками для того, чтобы позвонить.

С другой стороны, я знаю людей, которые категорически против некоторых современных изобретений, так как им очень не хватает тех дней, когда они общались друг с другом, лицом к лицу в реальности, а не виртуально. Частично я согласен с этим, потому что я считаю, что люди становятся анти-социальными и слишком зависимыми от своих гаджетов. Некоторые мои друзья также посвящают половину времени своим блестящим гаджетам (смартфонам или ай-пэдам), даже когда мы выходим вместе погулять. Кроме того, людям, которые много пользуются социальными сетями (такими, как Фэйсбук или Инстарграм), нужно побеспокоиться о защите своей личной информации.

По теме природных явлений и катастроф. Текст может стать основой для школьного сочинения или презентации

Natural disasters like earthquakes, tornado, tsunami and floods happen more frequently nowadays. There are many reasons why they occur, but the main one is related to human activity on Earth which often has a negative impact on our environment.

All kinds of disasters are usually very damaging. Many dwellings, roads and even whole streets and cities are ruined. The number of victims usually terrifies as hundreds or even thousands of people get injured or die in disasters. However, each disaster has a different nature.

For example, an earthquake is the result of the tectonic plates’ movement which leads to the shaking of a certain area on land. Earthquakes destroy buildings and people usually become victims because they get stuck or killed under the rubble.

Tornado is also a natural disaster which looks like an enormous column of the wind which lifts cars, bicycles, furniture and many other things. It is also called a twister and it can be very dangerous if touches the surface of the ground or water.

Flood in its turn happens when rivers burst their banks. Most extended floods damage cities and wash away whole populated places. Tsunami is another natural disaster which arises as a series of huge waves caused by underwater earthquakes.

Thus, there are many natural disasters which are dangerous for all of us. We should be careful and treat our planet better in order not to die with it.


Природные катаклизмы, такие как землетрясения, торнадо, цунами и наводнения, теперь случаются все чаще. Существует много причин, из-за которых они возникают, но основная причина связана с деятельностью человека, которая часто оказывает негативное воздействие на нашу окружающую среду.

Все виды природных катастроф обычно разрушительны. Разрушаются многие здания, дороги и даже целые улицы и города. Число жертв обычно приводит в ужас, так как сотни и даже тысячи людей получают ранения, или погибают в катастрофах. Однако у каждого катаклизма своя природа.

Например, землетрясение – результат движения тектонических плит, которое приводит к сотрясению определенной территории земли. Землетрясения разрушают здания, и люди обычно становятся жертвами из-за того, что застревают или погибают под обломками.

Торнадо – также относится к катастрофам природного характера, которая имеет вид огромного столба ветра, поднимающего над землей машины, велосипеды, мебель и многие другие вещи. Торнадо также зовут вихрем, и он может быть весьма опасным, если коснется поверхности земли или воды.

Наводнения, в свою очередь, происходят, когда реки выходят из берегов. Большинство обширных наводнений наносят вред городам и смывают целые населенные пункты. Цунами – еще один природный катаклизм, который возникает в виде нескольких огромных волн, спровоцированных подводными землетрясениями.

Таким образом, существует множество природных катаклизмов, которые опасны для всех нас. Нам следует быть осторожнее и лучше относиться к нашей планете, чтобы не погибнуть вместе с ней.


Natural disaster – природный катаклизм

Earthquake – землетрясение

Flood – наводнение

Environment – окружающая среда

Victim – жертва

To ruin/to destroy – разрушать

Under the rubble – подобломками

To burst the banks – выходить из берегов

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    Комментариев к статье: 4



    Germany v Sweden — 2018 protest save Nature: The world"s most destructive human intervention in nature: Stop oil production Sands. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. Earthquake world Climate change and Environmental disasters in the world related to mining oil, gas, coal, salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone, ore and so on. Save the planet, to admire the beauty of nature and save the world from ecological disaster. All of the causes of environmental katostrofy happens all over the world from mining oil, coal, gas, iron ore, salt, diamonds, gold, sand, soil and so on. Environmental pollution around the world poses a serious threat to all worldwide. Live Earth be in great danger. There are many things that negatively affect the Earth: mining coal, oil, gas and so on, emissions from factories and exhaust gases, deforestation, poisoning of air and water pollution, depletion of the ozone layer and catastrophically global changes of climate all over the world. I, Nazar Pervobytnyi ask all people in the world, let"s live together according to the laws of Nature and save the Nature. Environmental pollution is one of the most acute problems of the world.

    monstrous the behavior of humanity is a catastrophe in the world. The tragic events around the world Save Nature Planet, please save Earth. Earthquakes, causes extraction of oil, gas, coal, iron ore, salt and so on. Conservationists held a series of protest actions against the extraction of oil, gas, coal and more. Residents from different parts of the world I urge all people to forever stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal . ore, oil, gas, and so on: let"s save the World from global environmental disaster. In the world of all diseases and cancer in particular related to from oil, gas, coal, landfill, sewage network and the whole industrialization and urbanization: It carries all the poisoning and destruction of the habitat of all living things in the world. Many countries in the world for the first time in many years, was severely damaged by hurricanes. Environmental disaster from urbanization and industrialization: global climate change around the world increases the risk of environmental disasters. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis – all becomes more and more intense. The protection of nature in Russia, USA and all over the world: this is something that should engage everyone. People from international environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and so on. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Tears and pain nivchem innocent — all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother — Earth, where the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference — we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) . Exxon Valdez oil spill



    Help save the world from all mankind. I, Bandzhov Nazarali Holnazarovich live for the sake of Nature and the preservation of Nature and the world. I was convinced that the real defenders of Nature are very few in the whole world. The overwhelming majority of people pollute the Earth, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, mountains, forests, steppes and so on, became scary for the future of the whole world. Protect world stop mining coal, oil, gas and so on: Mining companies and mining industry have turned the whole world into a huge quarry and an underground void, this is a real hell for the whole world. Environment problems in Europe, USA, Russia, Asia, Africa, Middle East and around the world situation catastrophic: Air, water and soil it around the world is poisoned. Pollution surrounding wednesdays from mankind, around the world all diseases from oil, gas, coal, iron ore, sewage, garbage, cities, industry and transport. Global change climate around the world: Drought, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, a tsunami – all this occurs around the world. Save the planet, to admire the beauty of nature and save the world from ecological disaster. All of the causes of environmental catastrophe happens all over the world from mining oil, coal, gas, iron ore, salt, diamonds, gold, sand, soil and so on. Environmental pollution around the world poses a serious threat to all worldwide. Live Earth be in great danger. There are many things that negatively affect the Earth: mining coal, oil, gas and so on, emissions from factories and exhaust gases, deforestation, poisoning of air and water pollution, depletion of the ozone layer and catastrophically global changes of climate all over the world. Environmental pollution is one of the most acute problems of the world. monstrous the behavior of humanity is a catastrophe in the world. Tragic events around the world led to environmental disasters. World Save Nature Planet, please save Earth. Earthquakes, causes extraction of oil, gas, coal, iron ore, salt and so on. Conservationists held a series of protest actions against the extraction of oil, gas, coal and more. Residents from different parts of the world I urge all people to forever stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal . ore, oil, gas, and so on: let"s save the World from global environmental disaster. In the world of all diseases and cancer in particular related to from oil, gas, coal, landfill, sewage network and the whole industrialization and urbanization: It carries all the poisoning and destruction of the habitat of all living things in the world. Many countries in the world for the first time in many years, was severely damaged by hurricanes. Environmental disaster from urbanization and industrialization: global climate change around the world increases the risk of environmental disasters. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis – all becomes more and more intense. The protection of nature in Russia, USA and all over the world: this is something that should engage everyone. People from international environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and so on. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Tears and pain nivchem innocent — all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother — Earth, where the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference — we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) www.youtube.com/watch?v=v..._-pu8&sns=tw . Exxon Valdez oil spill www.youtube.com/watch?v=d...vSh8o&sns=tw . Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: www.youtube.com/watch?v=G...9YOC0&sns=tw . Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary www.youtube.com/watch?v=8...MMO9w&sns=tw . Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray www.youtube.com/watch?v=k...zEo4k&sns=tw . Environmental problems of the Earth! www.youtube.com/watch?v=1...6J-uE&sns=fb . Tar Sands Oil Extraction — The Dirty Truth www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y...vP17A&sns=tw



    Water, land and air pollution in Germany, Netherlands and Europa. Catastrophe in Germany, Netherlands and in neighboring countries. Many containers of hazardous chemicals have fallen into the North Sea from the cargo ship MSC Zoe. And the containers were thrown in waves to the shores of the Dutch and German islands. For this reason, the coast guard urged local residents not to open the containers or touch their contents. Organic peroxides, chemicals that cause irritation on contact with skin and mucous membranes, are found in containers that have fallen into water. Many countries in the world for the first time in many years, was severely damaged by hurricanes. Environmental disaster from urbanization and industrialization: global climate change around the world increases the risk of environmental disasters. Droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis – all becomes more and more intense. The protection of nature in Russia, USA and all over the world: this is something that should engage everyone. People from international environmental organizations gathered for a rally in protest against mining coal, ore, oil, gas, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and more. It is not too late for all of us and for all the world to recover to stop production of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. Mining salt, coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Tears and pain nivchem innocent — all living things in the world, it is impossible to live on, otherwise all life will perish from human activities. Mother — Earth, where the world we live in. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, springs, forests, meadows, flora and fauna adorn the Planet. World to save natur: Help save mother Earth. The effects of extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. On the face: the climate changed for the worse, shallowed and dried up rivers and lakes in different parts of the world, the melting of icebergs and the Arctic ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain, and snow disfigured and poisoned the land, air and water, various diseases. All living things in the world breathe polluted air, drink the same poisoned water. We are all sick suffer and die painfully slow. Rid of all misery and destruction, for this we need the entire world once and for all to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal, ore, oil, gas and so on. Life in the world is one, it is mother Earth that created us and other animals and plants. And we all the world should live according to the laws of mother nature, so we can get rid of all disease, suffering, and destruction. From mining salt, coal, ore, oil gas and so on: the Glaciers are melting and climate is changing at a rapid pace. We must preserve from environmental disasters. Environmental pollution and the worst environmental disasters in the world are caused by man. We are a child of Nature and we depend on mother Earth, it is better to start taking care of mother Nature. I think you, like me, you live for the sake of peace and for the salvation of mother Earth. I ask you, spread, please, my appeal, which is expressed with a heavy heart and with tears in eyes, because through the fault of mankind crumbling Earth and all living things die around the world. I appeal to all mankind, to the whole world to stop and imagine the scene that floods or drought. Then all will end, so it is urgent to stop the extraction of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas, and more. Man destroys all living things in the world: Urbanization and industrialization are dangerous to all living things in the world. Chemical hazardous substances deadly to all living things in the world. World production of oil, gas, coal, salt and so on are dangerous for the environment. There are serious problems of environmental pollution in all countries of the world, this occurs when cities, factories, transportation, sanitation, landfill and so on, pollute the air, water and land. Harmful substances are mixed, and the mixture is distributed worldwide in the wind and fall back to earth. Coal, oil and gas brings us poverty, disease and death. Global industrialization and urbanization has led to global climate change for the worst in the world. To recover and permanently terminate mining of soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt, coal. ore, oil, gas and more. So we can prevent global environmental catastrophe. Between us and other animals plants, there is no difference — we are all children of the Earth and we are all one family. We all the world should live according to the laws of mother Nature and save mother Earth from ecological disaster. Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution) www.youtube.com/watch?v=v..._-pu8&sns=tw . Nature can to get rid of all ills, misfortune and razrusheny: www.youtube.com/watch?v=G...9YOC0&sns=tw . Profit Pollution and Deception BP and the Oil Spill BBC Documentary www.youtube.com/watch?v=8...MMO9w&sns=tw . Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray www.youtube.com/watch?v=k...zEo4k&sns=tw . Environmental problems of the Earth! www.youtube.com/watch?v=1...6J-uE&sns=fb . Exxon Valdez oil spill www.youtube.com/watch?v=d...vSh8o&sns=tw .

The mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views.

Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively, but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information.

It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren"t interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn"t usually make headlines. Bad news does.

Some people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people"s private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is — should this be allowed?

The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that"s an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it"s much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers.

Still, many people prefer the radio. It"s good to listen to in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house.

Newspapers don"t react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information.

The Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don"t have to wait for news time on TV.


Средства массовой информации играют важную роль в нашей жизни. Газеты, радио и особенно телевидение, сообщают нам о том, что происходит в этом мире и дают прекрасные возможности для обучения и развлечений. Они также влияют на то, как мы видим мир и формируют нашу точку зрения.

Конечно, не все газеты и телевизионные программы освещают события объективно, но серьезные журналисты и тележурналисты стараются быть справедливыми и предоставлять нам достоверную информацию.

Это правда, что сегодня мир полон драматических событий и большинство новостей кажутся плохими. Но люди не заинтересованы в обычных событиях. Поэтому есть так много программ и статей о стихийных бедствиях, авиакатастрофах, войнах, убийствах и грабежах. Хорошие новости как правило, не делают заголовки. Плохие новости делают.

Некоторые люди говорят, что журналистам дается слишком много свободы. Они часто вторгаются в частную жизнь людей. Они преследуют знаменитостей и печатают сенсационные рассказы о них, которые являются ложными или наполовину правдивыми. Они фотографируют их в самые интимные моменты. Вопрос - должно ли это быть разрешено?

Основным источником информации для миллионов людей является телевидение. Людям нравятся телевизионные новости, поскольку они могут увидеть все собственными глазами. И это важное преимущество. Видя, как мы знаем, веришь. Кроме того, для политиков гораздо сложнее врать перед камерами, чем на страницах газет.

Тем не менее, многие люди предпочитают радио. Его хорошо слушать в машине, на открытом воздухе, или когда вы что-то делаете по дому.

Газеты не реагируют на события так быстро, как телевидение, но они обычно дают нам дополнительные подробности, комментарии и справочную информацию.

Интернет в последнее время стал еще одним важным источником информации. Его главное преимущество в том, что новости на экране появляются, как только они происходят в реальной жизни, и вам не придется ждать времени новостей на телевидении.

Mass Media (4)

Nowadays information communication is an important part of our life. It goes without saying that mass media has become an integral part of modern people"s life. People live with a constant necessity of getting new information. How can they satisfy their need? They may communicate with one another or just use the immense space of means of communication. People need information in order to keep up with the whole world around them - with vogue, new trends of life, discoveries and inventions. We live to learn news; we breathe and live with this.

Let"s concentrate on one of mass media branches - television. As we know, it appeared much later than such kinds of mass media as radio, newspapers and magazines. Nowadays almost everybody has got at least one TV-set at home. Television now plays an important role in our life. It takes a steady place in our daily timetable. However, watching television has two sides: not only advantages but also disadvantages.

On the one hand, TV keeps people informed of current events; TV gives us wonderful possibilities for education. We can choose any programme according to our interests, mood and needs. There is a great amount of channels which are specialized in various spheres. It can be the sphere of politics, news, sports, animals, feature films, soap operas, art, talk-shows, cartoons, educational programmes, music, fashion and many others. Such channels as "History", "Discovery", " Animal Planet", "365", enrich our knowledge in different fields. There are also channels which offer to our attention some educational programmes for children and adults, for example "Happy English" - a programme focused on teaching the English language, "Memory" - a programme which offers a number of exercises for children in order to develop their memory.

The second advantage of watching television is that it gives families an opportunity to spend some time together. Nowadays adults are often too busy to give enough attention to their children. When they come home from work in the evening, so tired and exhausted, - the only possible way to relax for many is just lay on the sofa in front of TV In such situations it"s high time to choose a family comedy and see it together with your spouse and children. So, watching TV helps us to relax and forget about it all - work, worries and problems that are on our mind.

Moreover, television is a great source of entertaining. Every day there is a wide choice of films and serials on TV - detectives, dramas, comedies, action films, thrillers, horrors, cartoons and others. If you have some spare time, switch on your TV-set and see a good movie with famous and talented actors or actresses, like Johnny Depp, Robert De Niro, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts or Dakota Fanning. Nowadays you are not limited in your choice, for even if there is no film you"d like to see in a TV-programme, you can always see it on DVD or download it in the Internet. Besides, sometimes television is the only opportunity to watch concerts of world-famous celebrities, like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Pink, Britney Spears or Justin Bieber.

However, watching television has its negative side. It is well-known that television may turn to be harmful for our health. Spending too much time in front of a TV screen may affect our eyesight badly. There are many cases when children become TV-addicted. Every spare minute they try to switch the TV on. Their progress in studies suffers due to the fact that children try to do their homework as fast as they can in order to have more time for watching TV.

Moreover, nowadays some TV programmes and films include a lot of violent scenes that can have a negative influence on a child"s psychic development.

Another disadvantage of television is an enormous amount of advertising. Firstly, it makes people buy some useless or unnecessary things. Bright and beautiful ads don"t reveal any drawbacks of the products they advertise. So, it often turns out that the goods quality is far worse than expected. Secondly, many ads deal with the pearl of beauty - a very slim and tall girl. The result of it may be the fact that children become too much concentrated on their appearance, which may lead to depression or to the feeling of inferiority.

Finally, many children nowadays would rather spend a day glued to a TV-set than go outdoors to play with their peers.

Undoubtedly, we need TV, for it is one of the main and most convenient means of mass media. However, taking into account all its merits and drawbacks, we must try to organize our time in the right way so as not to become a TV slave.

Средства массовой информации (4)

Информационные коммуникации очень важны. Безусловно, средства массовой информации (СМИ) стали неотъемлемой частью современной жизни. У людей есть постоянная потребность в получении новой информации. Но каким образом они могут удовлетворить эту потребность? Они могут общаться друг с другом или же широко использовать средства коммуникации. Людям необходимо получать новую информацию, чтобы быть в курсе того, что происходит в мире вокруг них самих, - иметь представление о мире моды, о новых жизненных тенденциях, открытиях и изобретениях. Мы живём, чтобы узнавать новости, дышим и питаемся ими.

Давайте познакомимся поближе с одним из средств массовой информации - телевидением. Как известно, оно появилось гораздо позже, чем такие СМИ, как газеты, радио и журналы. Теперь почти у всех в доме есть телевизор. Телевидение играет важную роль в жизни современных людей. Просмотр телевизионных передач занимает постоянное место в нашем ежедневном расписании. Однако, как и всё в нашей жизни, телевидение имеет свои плюсы и минусы.

С одной стороны, телевидение информирует людей о текущих событиях и предоставляет великолепные возможности для обучения. Мы можем выбирать любую программу в соответствии с нашими интересами, настроением и потребностями. Существует большое количество каналов, которые освещают разные сферы нашей жизни: политика, новости, спорт, мир животных, художественные и мультипликационные фильмы, сериалы, искусство, ток-шоу, музыка, мода и многое другое. Такие каналы, как History, Discovery, Animal Planet, 365, обогащают нашу жизнь знаниями в разных областях. Другие каналы предлагают нашему вниманию разные обучающие программы для детей и взрослых (например, Happy English - программа, нацеленная на обучение английскому языку, Memory - передача, которая предлагает ряд заданий для тренировки детской памяти).

Другое преимущество телевидения состоит в том, что оно предоставляет семьям возможность провести время вместе. В наши дни взрослые зачастую слишком много работают. И когда они приходят вечером домой, уставшие от работы, единственная возможность расслабиться для многих - лечь на диван перед телевизором. В такой ситуации самое время выбрать какую-нибудь весёлую комедию и посмотреть её родителям и детям вместе. Таким образом, телевидение помогает нам отдохнуть после тяжёлой работы и отвлечься от беспокоящих нас проблем.

Телевидение предоставляет нам хорошую возможность для развлечения. Каждый день в программе присутствует огромный выбор фильмов и сериалов: детективы, драмы, комедии, боевики, триллеры, фильмы ужасов, мультики и другие. Если у вас появилось свободное время, включите телевизор и посмотрите какой-нибудь хороший фильм с участием знаменитых и талантливых актёров и актрис, таких как Джонни Депп, Роберт де Ниро, Николь Кидман, Джулия Роберте или Дакота Фаннинг. В наше время вас ничто не ограничивает в выборе, потому что, даже если в телевизионной программе нет фильма, который вам бы хотелось посмотреть, вы всегда сможете использовать DVD-диск или скачать этот фильм из Интернета. Кроме того, телевидение порой единственная возможность посмотреть концерты таких мировых знаменитостей, как Майкл Джексон, Мадонна, Пинк, Бритни Спирс или Джастин Бибер.

Однако телевидение имеет и отрицательные стороны. Хорошо известно, что многочасовые просмотры телевизионных передач вредны для нашего здоровья. В первую очередь это влияет, конечно же, на зрение. Многие дети становятся зависимыми от телевизора и обязательно включают его, как только у них появляется свободная минутка. Вследствие того что дети проводят большое количество времени у телевизора, страдает и их школьная успеваемость.

Некоторые телевизионные программы и фильмы содержат сцены жестокости и насилия, что оказывает сильное негативное воздействие на психику ребёнка.

К минусам телевидения можно отнести и чрезмерное количество рекламы. Во-первых, она заставляет людей покупать совершенно бесполезные, ненужные вещи. Яркая и красивая реклама во многих случаях служит для того, чтобы скрыть недостатки рекламируемых товаров. Во-вторых, часть рекламных роликов, в которых фигурируют очень стройные и высокие девушки, вольно или невольно призывают нас стремиться к подобным эталонам физической красоты. Это часто приводит к тому, что у ребёнка формируется неверное представление о действительности. Он начинает слишком серьёзно относиться к своей внешности, что может привести к депрессии или чувству неполноценности.

И последнее, о чём хотелось бы сказать, это то, что дети в наше время часто охотнее проведут день перед экраном телевизора, чем пойдут играть на улицу со своими сверстниками.

Несомненно, телевидение необходимо современному человеку, потому что оно является одним из важнейших средств массовой информации. Однако, принимая во внимание все его достоинства, нужно постараться организовать своё время таким образом, чтобы не стать «рабом телевизора».


1. What kinds of mass media do you know?
2. Have you got a TV-set at home?
3. How often do you usually watch it?
4. What are your favourite channels?
5. Do you usually watch TV alone or with your family?
6. What films do you prefer to see?
7. Do you like soap operas?
8. Are you a TV-addict?
9. Do you prefer to see films on TV or at the cinema?
10. What disadvantages of watching television can you name?

mass media - средства массовой информации
it goes without saying - само собой разумеется
integral part - неотъемлемая часть
necessity - необходимость
to satisfy - удовлетворять
immense - безграничный, огромный
means of communication - средства связи
to keep up with - быть в курсе, поспевать за
vogue - мода
discovery - открытие
invention - изобретение
branch - ветвь
to appear - появляться
steady - постоянный
advantage - достоинство
disadvantage - недостаток
on the one hand - с одной стороны
possibility - возможность
according to - в соответствии с
mood - настроение
channel - канал
to be specialized in - специализироваться на
various - разный
feature film - художественный фильм
soap opera - сериал
cartoon - мультипликационный фильм
fashion - мода
to enrich - обогащать
knowledge - знание
inner world - внутренний мир
attention - внимание
to be focused on - быть нацеленным на
to develop - развивать
exhausted - измотанный, обессиленный
to relax - отдыхать, расслабляться
it"s high time - самое время
spouse - супруг, супруга
to reveal - открывать, показывать
moreover - более того
source - источник
entertaining - развлечение
thriller - триллер
horror - фильм ужасов
action film - боевик
to limit - ограничивать
to download - загружать
spare time - свободное время
celebrity - знаменитость
harmful - вредный
screen - экран
eyesight - зрение
TV-addicted - зависимый от телевизора
progress in studies - успеваемость
to suffer - страдать
to include - включать, содержать
violent - жестокий
to have a negative influence on - оказывать негативное влияние на
psychic development - психическое развитие
enormous - огромный
advertising - реклама
useless - бесполезный
ad = advertising - реклама
drawback - недостаток
goods - товары
pearl of beauty - эталон красоты
appearance - внешность
feeling of inferiority - чувство неполноценности
to glue - прилипать
peers - ровесники
undoubtedly - несомненно
convenient - удобный
to take into account - принимать во внимание
slave - раб
to deceive - обманывать